Monday, August 13, 2007

Well its Monday again

Hi all,

Well its Monday again! They are coming around way to quick. I finally have my voice back. It didn't really make an appearance till Friday last week so this made for interesting times with Maddie who can't read hand written notes yet so there was alot of charading going on. As we were all sick over the last week we didn't really do anything of interest during the week and saved it all for the weekend.

On Saturday Nath and I went to one of his work mates wedding. It was a gorgeous day bit windy but that was OK. They had the service on Shark Island and the reception at Pier One. Very Flash!!! So we had to be at the wharf at 1.45pm to get on our boat to go out to the island. Kim looked stunning. Just after the vows and while they were signing the register a pod of dolphins decided to come and frolic in the waters around the island. This made it very special as not everyone could say that they had dolphins at their wedding. Kim said afterwards that the dolphins had actually joined her when she got in the water taxi to go out to the island and had followed them out. Maddie and Sabrina had a Nanna day. Big thankyou to Mum!!! Even though I called a couple of times to check on them it meant that we could enjoy our day out as well.

On Sunday Maddie had a birthday party for one of the boys in her preschool. It was held up at a play centre in Penrith. She had an absolute hoot as you can see from the pics below.

Sabrina has started gripping onto and "playing" with her toys. Note the outfit is actually the one that we took photos in whilst we were still in hospital (see blog on 14th May) we have grown just a little.

Here is another pic of someone playing with her Dad.

Today we are getting the new carpet laid in the girls rooms. I will show you pics next week.

Have a great week.



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