Monday, May 21, 2007

We survived the week

Well, we survived our first week with Nathan back at work. By the time we got to the weekend we were all exhausted but you get that. To give you an idea Maddie fell asleep on the lounge on Saturday night at 7.40pm and didn't wake up till 8.30am on Sunday - she doesn't do this very often only when she is VERY tired!
Our week in review...

On Saturday we went to Ma and Pa's for Mothers Day lunch. Then had Andrew and Karissa over for dinner and the compulsory game of Rummykins. Definitely a good way to spend a Saturday Night.

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mothers out there for last Sunday. I had a really good day. I am now the proud owner of some new clothes and a Deep Fryer. We have had a great time deep frying. We had one many years ago but it was not a swish as this one - really hard to clean, and no thermostat. This one has these defects rectified. Went to Mum's for lunch.

On Monday us girls took ourselves off to playgroup. It has definitely grown since the last time we were out there. I couldn't get over how noisy it has become. The next "generation" of 1 - 2 year olds are starting to make there mark and be playing whilst the 3-5 year olds are intent on racing around like mad folk outside. I guess it gets it all out of there system. Sabrina behaved herself and pretty much slept through the experience.

On Tuesday we caught up with the Hickings. It has been so long since Sam and I have had a Tuesday catch up. I think we both needed it. The kids once again raced around burning up energy. Trampolines, Swings and Sandpits are definitely a hit when you are little. The Hickings bought another car... Here is a picture

Wednesday was a quiet day. Thank goodness!!! I started doing our filing. I really hate doing this job. Probably as I leave it till it is an absolute disaster area then start. Nath went to try out his new golf clubs out at the driving range. He still thinks they are pretty schmick so this is a good thing.

Thursday Maddie was at preschool. Alittle sad as one of her favourite teachers left on Thursday. Maddie did not really want to go as she knew it was Caron's last day. It is amazing how quickly they attach themselves to people. Although I think that Caron spent alot of time with Maddie. She realised on Friday that she had forgotten to give Caron a card. (Maddie is really into giving cards at the moment) this resulted in more tears. I had to promise that she could make one and take it next week. Whilst Mad's was at school, Sabrina and I went to Mum's for a play day. Ended up shopping up at the new Kmart at Stanhope Gardens. Still reckon this is one of the best ones around.

Friday - Maddie Preschool, Me - more filing (oh what fun!!!!!!!!) We decided that we should try to get ourselves organised in regard to the dinner thing. As witching hour has returned and limits the amount that I can do in the lead up to 6pm. Decided that the whole freezer cooking idea may be a way around this. Little did we know at this point that this decision would dictate pretty much our whole weekend.

Saturday we went and bought some of the containers that we are going to need if this concept was to work. We then had to sit down and find recipes that were suitable for the concept. Result didn't really have any recipe books for this purpose - better go and buy one (a girl can never have to many recipe books!) While we were out and about also had the weekend compulsory trip to BUNNINGS (yes Lou - at least once a weekend is normal) we got the stain for our skirting boards. Nath tried it out in the en suite on Sunday morning - we figured it was an out of the way place to see if it looked ok. Looks really good, now we have the big job of going the rest of the way around the extension. Nath also went to his Mum and Dad's to help move there new water tank. I think Andrew best described the process. "Dad had his new 1250 gallon water tank delivered (into the front lawn) this week. Nathan, Vern, Dad and I just lugged it down the street, down the lane way, over the neighbours side fence, through their backyard and over Dad's side fence into his backyard." It must have been a sight.

Sunday afternoon was spent cooking and I mean cooking. By 6 pm last night we had put into the freezer 9 main meals and 6 side dishes. Not bad for 6 hours work. Hopefully they all taste great after they have been frozen because they all tasted pretty good before they went into the freezer.

Am off to do a bit more cooking. Have a good week. Will blog again soon.


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